EDDY Pump Success with the US Navy

EDDY Pump Success with the US Navy

The U.S. Navy pumps brine for distillation units, transfers sewage from CHT tanks and pumps wastewater for shipyards. Conventional pumping technology, however, was requiring high levels of maintenance. The U.S. Navy needed an alternative pumping technology that could...

Pump Selection Process and Overall Cost

Pump ED 101 How Lower Efficiency Can Reduce Overall Cost – Vortex Action Joe Evans, Ph.D When we start the pump selection process for a particular application, one of our major concerns is efficiency. If several different models, of similar quality, meet our...

Submerged Oil Recovery

During oil spills, up to 10-30% of the oil becomes absorbed on the suspended material and then deposited on the ocean floor. This process mainly is subjugated to narrow coastal zones and shallow waters where water is subjected to heavy mixing. This subsurface oil...

Liner Dredging Equipment

In order to meet the difficult criteria needed for liner dredging,  EDDY Pump Corporation will utilize a custom dredging system capable of meeting the stringent requirements of this challenge.  This technology has been proven as an effective tool on many projects in...